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Friendly Awards

040422/ Stephanie

040425/Your site that was recently submitted to has been reviewed and has met with our criteria. We've got a great pleasure in Website. At you a very interesting Site and gorgeous graphics!  We with great pleasure give you this award! Warmest regards. Marina & Vitaly. Russia

040422/I really enjoyed my visit. You have a very interesting and wonderful site with lots of beautiful graphics. It's a wonderful place to visit. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure in presenting you with my Purrfect Site Award. Congratulations and keep up the good work! Have a nice day.
Best wishes Tineke.

040415/Den er vel fortjent du har en VAKKER hjemmeside. Klem fra Turid.

040423/Helt underbar sida. Hälsningar Anette


040421/I have reviewed your pages and find them to be a positive contribution to the World Wide Web. I am sending you our Award of Excellence for a site not directly related to pets. I loved your web sets, by the way. Very nice work! Sincerely, Sylvia Woolwine

040421/Your site is beautiful. Keep up the good work. Jolanda, hugs

Webmaster: Maud Dickson