Lite från dem, som tycker om mina sidor/Some words from people, who likes my pages

Friendly Awards

031126/Vedhæftet er også en award til dig,
for en rigtig skøn og indholdsrig homepage -
 - det er altid en fornøjelse at kigge omkring på dine sider.
Klem fra Tina

031129/ I am full of admiration of the outstanding work
 you have done in your website.
Congratulations and my Respect !
Your work is really a wonderful enrichment to the cyber-world.
I came here to your outstanding place in the web to let you know that I have totally enjoyed going around your quite fantastic designed pages.
Your home is full of beauty and great stuff/themes to find !
Really a worth-seing website !
I loved ALL what I saw ! Tina M

031127/Never I have see in my 8 years internet such a very very excellente site, which you have create here. Really excellente. Your design and your layout are very well and the navigation very easy. Your pics are awesome and your home ...argh ) Wonderfull site, Thanks for sharing your page with us other peoples I wish you many many visitors and naturally many entrys in your guestbook
Here I cannot only give this award, because your site are more then excellente ;-) Manfred - MGB

Webmistress: Maud Dickson