Är det någon som vill ha en augusti gåva? Var så god att ta bilden ovanför.
Anyone want a gift for August? Please feel free to grab the picture above.

Här är de gåvor jag fått. Jag blir alltid lika glad för dem.
Here are the gifts I have recieved. They always make me happy.

You have the most incredible site I have encountered in ages, if ever! You are terrific at this and very creative, indeed! I am wonderfully impressed and have bookmarked your site so I can finish my tour later on. I loved and enjoyed your site, and strive to improve my own skills with my websites so that I may actually impress you one day! Good for you! I think I will apply for your award after all; however, I am going to come back and have an other look. Well, anyway, I am thoroughly impressed and would love to tell my friends to check out a genuine site!
Here's more power to you and May the Good Lord's love be with you always with a smile, in happyness and health..
Take great care of yourself! What wonderful talent! Sincerely,Felix