Eliza is a fluffy cat, very typy and soooo beautiful.
Her breed number is BRI 12 ns.
Unfortunately she had to be neutered at her
first delivery and she is to shy to be shown.
At the bottom of this page is her golden
sister Pirot Enya, BRI 12 ny, and their mother, Pirot Caprifol, BRI 12
with Eliza
Foto: Ingrid Wahlborn
11 år gammal/11 years old
Eliza är 12 år nu/Eliza is now 12
years old.
Foto: Helen Wieslander
Foto: Linda Petersson 060924
I början av november 2007 fick Eliza en stor abscess
pga. av en tand. Hon opererades men delvis pga. kraftig
njursvikt, så hämtade hon sig inte. Idag tog jag beslutet att avbryta
hennes svåra lidande.
At the start of November 2007 Eliza had a large abscess due to
bad teeth. She was operated on but partly due to severe
kidney failure, she did not recover. Today I took the decision to end
her hard suffering.
Webmistress: Maud Dickson - Pirot