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I breed British Shorthairs specializing in colourpoints.My dream is also to have an odd siames litter.
I also provide stud services and cat boarding.

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Nyheter, som berör alla sidor, kommer att meddelas i rutan strax under denna texten.


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All my pages can be reached from the next page, just follow the links in the table.
News concerning all pages, will be announced in the square right below this text.

Där finns även en gästbok/Here you also will find my guest book

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22-04-02 uppdaterat Geishas ungar

22-02-26 Uppdaterat Catintro

22-02-26 Uppdaterat plans

24 mars 2022

Uriel 190224




"You have enemies? Good that means you've stood up for something,
sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill

"Until you have loved an animal a part of your soul will have remained dormant"
Anatole France


Webmistress: Maud Dickson

 Sidan senast redigerad/Last updated: 2022-04-02