1990 gjorde jag en resa till USA i
samband med VM i veteranbordtennis. Vi
var först några dagar i New York. På
vägen till Baltimore, där vi skulle
spela, besökte vi en del sevärdheter.
1990 I made a journey to the United
States in connection with World
Championship in table tennis for
veterans. Going down to Baltimore
after that, where the competition took
place, we visited some interesting
Christina Park: Svenskarna
landsteg nära Wilmington år 1638 och
efter mark förhandlingar med de
bofasta Lenni Lenape indianerna byggde
de ett fort. För att hedra den unga
svenska drottningen döptes fortet och
floden intill till Christina.
Svenskarna introducerade timmerstugan
till Amerika. En av de första
timmerstugorna finns fortfarande kvar i
fortet. (Wilmington)
May-Britt |
Yvonne och Ulla |
och May-Britt |
Nyckel Shipyard: Den 29 mars,
1638, kom det svenska skeppet Kalmar
Nycket till Minquas Kills klippiga
stränder nära Wilmington. Idag har
Delaware en egen högmastad
"ambassadör", Kalmar Nyckel, en kopia
av original skeppet. Du kan besöka
museet ombord och njuta av en segel
utflykt. (Wilmington)
Fort Christina was the first
settlement in
North America
and the principal settlement of the
New Sweden
colony. Built in
and named after
Queen Christina
of Sweden,
it was located approximately 1 mi (1.6
km) east of downtown
at the confluence of the
Brandywine Creek
and the
Christina River,
approximately 2 mi (3 km) upstream
from the mouth of the Christina on the
Delaware River.
It was the first permanent
settlement in the Delaware Valley.
1638 -
After a 4-month voyage from
Gothenburg, Kalmar Nyckel
arrives in the Delaware in March.
Captain Peter Minuit purchases land on
west bank from the Schuylkill River to
Bombay Hook, builds Fort Christina at
present Wilmington and leaves 24 men,
under the command of Lt. Måns Kling,
to man the fort and trade with
Indians. Kalmar Nyckel returns
safely to Sweden, but Minuit dies on
return trip in a hurricane in the
The Original
Kalmar Nyckel
The original Kalmar Nyckel
was one of America's pioneering
colonial ships. Its historical
significance rivals that of the
Mayflower, yet her remarkable story
has never been widely told.
Carl Milles' Kalmar
Nyckel Monument at "The Rocks" Ft.
Christina Park where the New Sweden
settlement began.
The original Kalmar Nyckel
sailed from Sweden to the New World in
1638 leaving its passengers to
establish the first permanent European
settlement in the Colony of New Sweden
in present-day Wilmington, Delaware.
She made a total of four roundtrip
crossings of the Atlantic—more than
any other ship of the era. Her first
voyage to the New World left 24
settlers of Swedish, Finnish, German
and Dutch descent in the Delaware
Valley. Joining them was a black
freedman who sailed from the Caribbean
aboard her companion ship the
Fogel Grip.
Liberty Bell
i Aigle dans Battery Park på Manhattan
Situated at the southern tip of
Manhattan, Battery Park features
numerous monuments, plenty of greenery
and splendid views of the New York
City Harbor.
eagle statue by Albino Manca from
the East Coast War Memorial for WWII
merchant mariners.