Gåvor/Gifts 2004 

Jag vill tacka alla för de underbara gåvorna jag fått
I would like to thank you all for the wonderful gifts I received

sidan 3/page 3

You have the most incredible site I have encountered in ages, if ever! You are terrific at this and very creative, indeed! I am wonderfully impressed and have bookmarked your site so I can finish my tour later on. I loved and enjoyed your site, and strive to improve my own skills with my websites so that I may actually impress you one day! Good for you! I think I will apply for your award after all; however, I am going to come back and have an other look. Well, anyway, I am thoroughly impressed and would love to tell my friends to check out a genuine site!.To the whole world you may be one person. To one person you may be the whole world!
Here's more power to you and May the Good Lord's love be with you always with a smile, in happyness and health..
Take great care of yourself! What wonderful talent!



Webmistress: Maud Dickson