Ett stort TACK till alla, som skänk mig sina vackra Awards
A big THANK YOU to all, who sent me your beautiful Awards

060101/Hallå där Maud
Du ska ha en god fortsättning nu på nya året och jag hoppas att du mår bra.
Här kommer en Guld awards till din så super duper vackra hemsida.
Massvis av kramar från Heleca med Bamse

The Roz Award for Web Excellence, Congratulations!
060102/Hi Maud, Bravo! The website you have designed is outstanding!
You deserve recognition and to be celebrated for your creativity, effort, talent and excellence of design. The Fruits of your labor are evident and your hard work has been well worth it. You have so many beautiful designs and your place is lovely.

Congrats! & Blessings, Roz

060108/I would like that you choose  the one you like the best ;) hugs Pija

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